All I can say on behalf of my family is THANK YOU & WOW! We are so grateful to this community for the amazing things you provide us each day. Lovely cards and letters, gifts including a Lazboy, yummy wine and cheese, olive oil, Starbucks coffee, the many meals, baked goods, a workout bike, Christmas ornaments, a handicap ramp, and other keepsakes. All of these wonderful things make life a little better, especially your cards and letters which we read to dad. Thank you to those who have made donations to the Atlanta Community Food Bank and the CJD Foundation in dad’s name as well; we are informed of these as well. We wish we had time to write a thank you letter to each of you, but for now this post will have to suffice.
Dad knows that you all are out there sending him well wishes and prayers. We do communicate your emails and messages to him and he appreciates everything you are doing for him and the family. Please know that. I think this quote encompasses my dad’s life and fits with this post — and it’s from one of dad’s many favorite authors.
“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thank you all again. Lots of love and hugs.
COMMENTS FROM OLD SITE: Mary Hunter on January 28, 2013 at 9:07 pm said: I love the Emerson quote, honorably and well indeed. I sense that is true of all of you. We send love and hugs to beautiful Lucy and amazing Steve, and think of you all every day. Angie (Thacker) Gones on January 29, 2013 at 4:21 am said: Thank you for posting this blog and keeping us informed. Thoughts, prayers, love, hugs to you all.
Markene Zeiler (Monday, February 04 13 12:51 pm EST) The second time Steve came in to Tall Tales Book Shop, he stopped being a customer and became a friend to us all. It was a joy to decipher the tiny titles he wanted writt…